Saturday, March 28, 2009

Why Answer Questions

Bloggies Tories are getting giddy defending Mr. Harper for not answering questions from Canadian reporters. Blogging Tories seems to have a hate-on for the Canadian Main Stream Media, or as they refer to them, the MSM. The use of the acronym, MSM, helps to lower their stature a notch. BT must be blue in the face from all their hatred towards, what they believe, is a ridiculously biased bunch of Liberal lovers.

This BT seem to think not answering lame questions is better than not answering anything to anyone. Somehow, the BT bunch thinks the media are incredibly stupid and should not even consider asking their intellectual leader Harper any questions, since they themselves are not nearly as cognisant as the outlandishly brillant guy who almost lost power a few months ago by virtue of his own political games.

Some of the comments on BT blogs seem to be coming from a room full of ardent Tory supporters who have worked themselves into a frenzy. It's a mad house and I've been thoroughly entertained this afternoon by reading some of it.

Unfortunately, it's now an afternoon that I will never get back.

What Do Canadians Matter?

Of course, Mr. Harper, leader of accountability and all things righteous, does not want to be interviewed by Canadians. He would much rather speak with Americans. His true brethren?

From the Toronto Star:

Canadian journalists, who are paying $4,200 each to travel with the prime minister to the G20 and NATO summits in Europe next week, were told Friday they would be limited to two media availabilities with Harper over five days – each one comprised of two questions in French and two in English.

The limitation on the number of questions is a marked departure from Harper's recent past practice, when all Canadian media travelling with the prime minister were invited to ask questions.

Harper does not care about Canada as much as he adores America. This is painfully obvious in his attitude towards Canadian media. It's too bad we have a Prime Minister who has more interest in speaking with American journalists than he has with his own electorate.

Maybe he's too scared to hear the latest poll numbers about Ignatieff or how well his party is doing in Quebec. Maybe he's trying to avoid talking about the Canadian economy or what his own Parliamentary Budget Officer really thinks.