Okay, back to the grind. Summer is coming to a close and election fever has never been this high. It was not even this high last year, when Harper decided to call a snap election despite the promise of a fixed election date. (Although Harper called an election for personal benefit, doesn't the law still stand that the next election is October 19, 2009? But whatev.)
The funny thing is how many columnists are saying this election is unwarranted, unnecessary, and unbecoming. They blame Ignatieff of many crimes after the announcement that the Liberal Party will no longer prop up the Conservatives. This, in my own humble opinion, is exactly the right of any party elected to the House of Commons. Any party, any member, at any time does not, by default, have to vote in such a manner to ensure the government survives each and every day.
Harper has governed for far too long as if he had a majority and it should rest squarely on his feet if he refuses to cooperate with another party in a minority situation. Just because the Liberals may vote against the governement does not necessarily mean there will be a vote. Could you imagine if Harper went to the GG and said, "Yes, the bill did pass, but the Liberals voted against us. The Grits want an election, so we should have one, it's only fair." I think it is extremely misleading for any columnist to only blame Ignatieff for the government's demise. It takes more than one party to ensure bills get passed and it takes more than one party to bring the whole thing down.
These same columnists who blame Ignatieff for indicating that the Liberal party stands for better government, are the same columnists who said the Liberals looked weak by supporting the Tories and lambasted Ignatieff for not defining himself. Now Ignatieff that has said he can no longer support Stephen Harper, these columnists are saying his decision is purely selfish and that they think they're rightful place is in power. Sadly, they missed the fact that Harper thinks *his* rightful place is a leader with majority support even though he has failed at such over the last four elections.
It's no wonder that these same columinsts will probably also be critical when an election is called and they say it is horrible timing when the economy is starting to recover. How soon they forget that, if it were not for Harper's selfish ploy, we would be going to the polls on October 19th anyways.